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Dipal is committing to working closely with, and being the voice for, individuals and businesses who have been charged unreasonable legal costs by a law practice. Reducing costs liability for such individuals and businesses is her priority, as is providing service which provides value to her clients. Dipal aims to ensure her clients achieve a better net outcome as a result of retaining Law in Check.
Dipal completed her Bachelor of Laws (Honours) with a Bachelor of Business and Commerce and a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice in 2012. She obtained a Master of Laws in Corporate and Commercial Law from the University of London in 2020, with academic leadership from University College London and Queen Mary University of London. Additionally, having worked in building and construction, personal injury, insurance, motor vehicle accident, strata and property law prior to establishing herself in legal costing, Dipal’s litigation knowledge is broad and extensive.
Dipal has a strong interest in every facet of legal costing with experience in costs disputes arising from the full spectrum of litigation in Family Court, Federal Court, High Court, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Queensland and Victorian jurisdictions. As part of this interest, Dipal presents lectures on legal costing to law firms and legal organisations and contributes to legal costing academia through writing articles for the ‘Precedent’ journal, and articles for the Blackstone Brief and Australian Lawyer Alliance publications.
Dipal is also a Court Appointed Costs Assessor (Supreme Court of Queensland).